Ballot Issue 2C: Ballot Question
"Shall Article XIV, Section 1 of the City of Cañon City Charter be amended to permit the City to accept land to be used as parks or playgrounds with approval by ordinance of Council after a duly noticed public hearing?" (Official language here.)
Ballot Issue 2C will continue to allow the City of Cañon City to accept properties with the intention of creating new parks. Currently, it is very time consuming and difficult for new parks to be created. in the City because it requires a formal vote on an election ballot. Measure 2C will change the process, allowing an acquisition to happen via public hearing and Council vote rather than an election ballot initiative and majority vote for each individual acquisition.
Why is this ballot initiative a good idea?
Waiting for an election to acquire a property slows down forward progress. Public input on the acquisition of new properties for parks and playgrounds is important, and that can effectively be achieved by a public hearing rather than the lengthy process required to put the acquisition to a public vote. The timelines for development projects rarely coincide with the November election cycle, which translates to missed opportunities for new city parks and playgrounds to be included in these projects.
Why is FAR in support of this initiative?
One of the specific reasons we are in support of this idea is the potential to develop and utilize the Black Hills Property near the Territorial Prison on Hwy 50. Our community is in need of a public put-in and take-out for boaters (plus additional amenities), and we'd like to see our City have the ability to move forward on plans that are included in the Western Gateway Conceptual Plan. (You can find that here.) If you haven't seen it yet, please check it out - it is a wonderful vision for the improvement of our river and recreation corridor.
What do we like about this plan for the Black Hills Property?
The plan includes bicycle and pedestrian access to the Riverwalk; a day use area for RV's, parking, and events; a trailhead; a boat ramp (which will be available for both commercial and private boaters; restrooms; island picnic facilities; and whitewater features.
What does FAR stand to gain?
It's our mission to support outdoor recreation in this community. We are not beneficiaries of this plan in any direct way. As recreation amenities in the community grow and expand, we're excited to see how they can be used to support individuals who live, work, and play in Fremont County. That's it!
"Shall Article XIV, Section 1 of the City of Cañon City Charter be amended to permit the City to accept land to be used as parks or playgrounds with approval by ordinance of Council after a duly noticed public hearing?" (Official language here.)
Ballot Issue 2C will continue to allow the City of Cañon City to accept properties with the intention of creating new parks. Currently, it is very time consuming and difficult for new parks to be created. in the City because it requires a formal vote on an election ballot. Measure 2C will change the process, allowing an acquisition to happen via public hearing and Council vote rather than an election ballot initiative and majority vote for each individual acquisition.
Why is this ballot initiative a good idea?
Waiting for an election to acquire a property slows down forward progress. Public input on the acquisition of new properties for parks and playgrounds is important, and that can effectively be achieved by a public hearing rather than the lengthy process required to put the acquisition to a public vote. The timelines for development projects rarely coincide with the November election cycle, which translates to missed opportunities for new city parks and playgrounds to be included in these projects.
Why is FAR in support of this initiative?
One of the specific reasons we are in support of this idea is the potential to develop and utilize the Black Hills Property near the Territorial Prison on Hwy 50. Our community is in need of a public put-in and take-out for boaters (plus additional amenities), and we'd like to see our City have the ability to move forward on plans that are included in the Western Gateway Conceptual Plan. (You can find that here.) If you haven't seen it yet, please check it out - it is a wonderful vision for the improvement of our river and recreation corridor.
What do we like about this plan for the Black Hills Property?
The plan includes bicycle and pedestrian access to the Riverwalk; a day use area for RV's, parking, and events; a trailhead; a boat ramp (which will be available for both commercial and private boaters; restrooms; island picnic facilities; and whitewater features.
What does FAR stand to gain?
It's our mission to support outdoor recreation in this community. We are not beneficiaries of this plan in any direct way. As recreation amenities in the community grow and expand, we're excited to see how they can be used to support individuals who live, work, and play in Fremont County. That's it!
Of Important Note
As stated in the language change, extensive and expensive properties like golf courses, pools, etc. would be exempt from this change; they'd still require a vote and ordinance.
Find the official ballot language here: www.canoncity.org/170/Election-Official
As stated in the language change, extensive and expensive properties like golf courses, pools, etc. would be exempt from this change; they'd still require a vote and ordinance.
Find the official ballot language here: www.canoncity.org/170/Election-Official